Table of contents
1 Statement
2 Definitions
3 General terms of hire, rates & know your customer
4 Occupancy capacity, exclusion, restrictions & limitations
5 Operating hours
6 Booking & payments
7 Cancellation, Refund & deposit
8 Risk Assessment & Health and Safety (inc. food safety/caterers)
9 Electrical, water & appliance
10 Damage
11 Right of entry
12 Decorations/promo material
13 Licensing
14 Parking
15 Liabilities & insurance
16 Indemnity
17 Dangerous substances
18 Manual handling
19 Safeguarding & Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme
20 When you leave
21 Lost and Found
22 Covid/Health alerts
23 Data Protection
24 Review
- Statement
The Terms & Conditions set out what may be reasonably expected between Toll Green Hall (TGH) and those who wish to hire the hall or attend an event.
The principal beneficiaries of TGH are the residents and visitors to Elie and Earlsferry.
Our function is to serve the village only including Ardross, Balbouthie and Kilconquhar.
We welcome enquiries from outwith however please consider the great local halls at Colinsburgh, St Monans and Anstruther who equally need support.
To hire TGH you will be over 25 years and actively involved in the event and;
- To host a private event such as a lunch you will be a resident or home owner of Elie and Earlsferry. In addition, private events where there will be the consumption of alcohol or it may be reasonable to infer e.g birthday parties the bulk of the attendees must be 25 years or over.
- To host an event such as a health & wellbeing class you do not have to be a resident or home owner but the event must be open to residents, visitors and home owners of the village.
- To host a commercial event such as a brand launch then the event must benefit the village and not be detrimental to an existing business with a fixed trading premises in the village. (see limitations section 4).
- Definitions
What do we mean by terms used in this document?
- “Toll Green Hall” & “TGH” means Toll Green Hall, High Street, Elie, Fife FK91DA.
- “We” means the Toll Green Hall Manager.
- “Hire” means an agreement to use the hall for a specific event on and between a specified time and date.
- “Hirer” means you are a person aged 25 years + who enters into an agreement with TGH Manager to “Hire” TGH.
- When a booking is made the “Hirer” is deemed to have accepted these Terms & Conditions.
- “Event” a specified permitted activity stated by the “Hirer” on booking. (Please see 4. For the type of events considered appropriate and excluded).
- “User” refers to participants who attend an event whether by payment or not and do not hold any responsibility towards the running of the event.
- For the period of the hire the “Hirer” is deemed responsible for any and all damage caused to the hall and fixture and fittings. This includes persons who attend an event the hirer has organised. (Please see indemnity section 16).
- “Resident” means 2nd home owners, registered resident, tenant and businesses of the villages of Elie and Earlsferry.
3. General terms of hire and fees
TGH is available for hire by persons aged 25 years and over, subject to limitations.
- TGH can be hired in 1 hour blocks or by the day.
- TGH may ask for payment in advance of use or invoice post event. The decision to invoice pre or post event will be determined on risk i.e likelihood of damage, type of event and or whether you are known to the hall such as a previous good customer.
- Failure to pay ahead of an event if asked will null and void the booking.
- The “Hirer” must be directly involved and in attendance during the event.
- The “Hirer” or any other party may not sublet the hall.
- The “Hirer” or any other party may not use the hall for accommodation or storage.
- The “Hirer” consents to be bound to the Terms & Conditions as a condition of booking.
- The nature of the event must be specified on booking.
- An “Event” that digresses from the booking null and voids the hire and no refund will be made. E.g. The hall is hired for a children’s party and used for adult disco. This is not permitted.
- The “Hirer” will be permitted access to the hall 10 min before and 15 min after the booked time.
- The “Hirer” is responsible for paying for an event that overruns the booking. Costs will be charged at the full hourly rate plus any expenses incurred by TGH such as the rearranging of cleaning services or employees remaining on duty beyond the hire time as a result of an over run.
- The “Hirer” or any no other party involved in the hire are not permitted to use the address of TGH as a trading address or for mail redirection and or parcel collection.
- The “Hirer” is permitted to use the address of TGH for marketing directly linked to their booked event. E.g a poster advertising the event. The one off nature of the hire will be made clear in all marketing promotions.
- The arbitrator for whether an event is permitted is the TGH Manager and no justification is required to be provided should a hire be declined.
- No refund will be provided for part use or early exit of the hall.
- Hire rates are split into hourly and daily usage and also whether there is a commercial interest or a local service that supports the village.
- The “Hirer” shall ensure that their event is managed in accordance with the Terms & Conditions in particular type of use and occupancy levels.
- The “Hirer” is responsible for any keys provided to them in the course of the hire such as the front door or cupboard. A lost key will be subject to a £25.00 fee.
- Keys to be returned as agreed between TGH Manager and “Hirer” either at the end of the events or close of business day.
Hire rates are based on a reasonable expectation of power usage and for events permitted in these terms and conditions.
A Day rate means 8 consecutive hours.
An Hourly rate means 60 consecutive minutes.
Rate are split into commercial, village and private and by seasons and days of week as follows;
Commercial rates:
Events considered to qualify for this rate may or may not be hired by a village resident however its outcome has a purely commercial return.
Examples Brand Launch, Book signing, business promotion, corporate event
TGH is not VAT registered.
Hourly rate:
Monday to Sunday
Day rate
Monday to Sunday
Village events- e.g. health & well being classes, book clubs , art classes
Events considered to qualify for a subsidised rate may or may not be hosted by a village resident or home owner however the primary outcome MUST benefit residents and visitors to our village through activities that brings people together and promotes health, education, history and or cultural.
A proportion of the attendees must be from the village
Hourly rate:
Monday to Friday & Sunday
Day rate:
Monday to Sunday
Private function: e.g. friends lunch
Private resident events: To be considered to qualify for this rate the event is only open to residents and homeowners in the village of elie, earlferry, Kilconquhar only who must be the primary beneficiary of the event. Example - a family celebration . Such events in the hall be limited to no more than 2 per month. We recommend the Ship Inn and Earslferry Town Hall as other function offerings in the village. The Rate is for 8 consecutive hours same date hire
Private events can only be booked by the day.
Private events are strictly BOYB.
Day Rate
Monday to Sunday
- Hire rates may be adjusted without notice however will be honoured at the advertised rate at the time the booking was accepted.
- TGH Manager can waive or reduce fees in circumstances where there is a charitable outcome of benefit to the village or the events support a village resident.
- TGH may be closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day and 2nd January.
Know your customer
Hirers will be asked to provide identification or confirmation of trading status as part of our know your customer process.
This MAY include and not be limited to;
Full Company name inc. trading name
Companies House number
VAT number
Registered address
Capacity you are acting on behalf of the Company
Proof of current utility bill with company / sole trader name and address
Proof of identity- driving licence/passport
Council tax
4. Occupancy capacity, exclusions, restrictions and limitations
A calculation has been made to assess the capacity of the hall taking into account layout, mobility users and limitations such as one toilet and one exit..
The calculation provided a theoretical limit which was further reduced to reflect a real world environment.
It is assessed that TGH can hold 36 people standing or 28 seated. The hall capacity listed below flexes depending on use to increase circulation space should the event involve mobility users.
Further capacity reduction is expected should there be a change in social distancing guidance.
- The “Hirer” is responsible to ensure that the hall capacity is adhered to and put in place any mitigation required to adjust for circulation space or need for social distancing.
The following list of events, while not exhaustive are not permitted;
Events with a political purpose e.g. fundraiser, hustings, speech or rally, events that involve gambling snooker (inc pool & billiards), dramatic productions, circus, amusements events involving real or replica weapons (inc firearms, bow, arrows or other weapons), events which are likely to offend a reasonable person that show a negative bias towards any person or group of people based on their race, a disability, and gender, any processes that involve a manufacturing processes such as glass blowing, hypnosis, jewellery manufacture, pottery and discos.
- The consumption of alcohol which would normally require a licence.
- Events that would normally require an entertainment licence
Please contact Fife Council Licensing Department 03451555555 should you need to discuss your needs in the East Fife area.
- TGH does not support events involving animals with exception of guide/hearing dogs required by persons attending the event.
- TGH does not permit indoor sports.
- TGH does not permit parties for under 25 years where there is a reasonable expectation that alcohol be consumed.
- TGH does not support events that promote smoking or vaping.
Access limitations
There is a drop at the door. A temporary ramp is available to assist mobility users and pushchairs over the door threshold. The mobility ramp requires two people to lift.
The “Hirer” is responsible for ensuring the ramp if needed remains in place throughout the event and those that are lifting it are familiar with good posture and manual handling.
The door width is 900mm split across two doors that fold back.
There are no baby changing facilities.
There is one unisex toilet which may not be fully accessible to all mobility users.
There is no outside space associated with the hall.
The hall loft, cleaning and storage cupboards are private and out of bounds for Hirer.
Good Neighbour limitations
TGH respects our neighbours and we have limitations on frequency of events and hours of operation.
Neighbours include adjacent homes but also local businesses.
- TGH may minimise private function style events to two per month.
- TGH will minimise hours of operation during the season and per event.
- There must be NO parking outside the hall. It is accepted loading /unloading may be required but this should be done as efficiently as possible both not to impede the road but also not to cause annoyance to neighbours.
Non resident private bookings limitations
TGH is primarily for the benefit of residents and homeowners of Elie and Earlsferry.
Enquiries for private functions such as a dinner party from outside the village are welcomed and will be assessed on an individual basis.
This is not because we do not wish your company simply that it is important to support and recognise your own village halls.
Accepted bookings received from outwith the village or where the person is not known to hall Management will be treated in the same know your customer manner listed under rates (commercial events) .
This may include proof of identity and or address.
Commercial limitations
The fit out and location of TGH will appeal to commercial interests such as exhibitors.
Commercial use will be considered on a case by case basis.
The test applied when considering the suitability of a commercial event is whether;
- Is TGH permitted to host the event (licensing requirement).
- What would the benefit be to the village?
- Would the event support an existing village business/es.
- Would the event be detrimental to an existing business/es or neighbours.
Commercial events should be considered as a one off or for a specified period rather than a block booking.
5. Operating hours
TGH is located in a quiet village and is neighboured by houses.
We are not permitted to hold discos.
0900hrs (9am)
2100hrs (9pm)
0900hrs (9am)
2100hrs (9pm)
0900hrs (9am)
2100hrs (9pm)
0900hrs (9am)
2100hrs (9pm)
0900hrs (9am)
2200hrs (10pm)
0900hrs (9am)
2200hrs (10pm)
1000hrs (10am)
2000hrs (8pm)
- The “Hirer” is responsible for ensuring participants enter or leave respecting neighbours.
- Over the festive period or for a special need the curfew may be relaxed but this is solely on an individual basis and would require advance notification with TGH Manager.
- Smoking, vaping, the consumption of alcohol, use of illegal drugs and general lingering outside TGH is prohibited. Smokers are asked to use the seated area of Toll Green.
- No music shall be audible out so as to cause annoyance to any person out with the hall.
- No light emitting device shall be visible out with the hall.(excluding standard fairy christmas lights)
- Operating hours may be flexed at New Year to 1am.
6. Bookings & Payment
Enquiries are accepted over the phone but bookings are generally accepted only by email. We can make allowances for this should you not have access to email however in such circumstances this is likely to require an initial face to face meeting at the hall.
The purpose of an email chain is to ensure that a suitable record of the booking is held by both parties and for invoicing purposes.
We do not currently offer an online hall booking service.
Payment conditions relating to how the hall booking is paid.
- The “Hire” of TGH must be made by bank transfer (BACS)
- Payment for the hire must be made and cleared not less than 3 days prior to the date of hire or for know your customer approved bookings within 14 days of post event invoicing.
- Invoices will be sent by email. Please contact us if you require a paper invoice.
- Failure to pay a booking will null & void your event may lead to a potential small claim debt recovery and null and void any future booking
- Events considered a risk to the hall's condition or those involving alcohol, a deposit of up to £150.00 may be required at time of booking.
- A receipt shall be issued when payment is received only if requested.
Cancellations, discounts, refunds and deposits
Conditions relating to how an event can be cancelled and our refund policy.
- Only the “Hirer” making the booking or TGH Manager may cancel a hire.
- In matters of ill health the cancellation period may be waived by the TGH Manager.
- Cancellations may incur an administrative charge determined by period of notice.
Within 24 hours of event
50% charge based on rate of hall booking
Between 24-72 hours of event
25% charge based on rate of hall booking
More than 72 Hours of event
Full refund
- Cancellations will only be accepted from the “Hirer” by email
- The “Hirer” is responsible to ensure that participants attending the event are notified of the cancellation.
- Any refunds issued as a result of a “Hirer” cancellation shall be payable by BACS transfer to the originating account minus an administration charge of £5.00.
- TGH Manager reserves the right to cancel a hire at any time due to unforeseen circumstances; example being water ingress, blocked toilet , double booking or when considered to be in the wider interest of TGH.
- An event cancelled by the TGH Manager will be refunded in full and no administration charge applied.
- TGH Manager reserves the right to cancel a hire at any time if it is deemed to have materially deviated from the intended and stated hire. TGH reserves the right to withhold the right to a full refund in such circumstances and in addition apply an administration charge of £5.00.
- TGH Manager shall not be responsible for any additional cost incurred by the “Hirer” as a result of a cancellation.
- TGH will support events that may need to be postponed such as a covid outbreak and we will do our utmost to find a more suitable date.
- TGH strongly recommends that the “Hirer” has their own insurance policy to cover unforeseen cancellations, employees(volunteers) and any resultant financial loss.
- Deposit shall be refunded within 24 hours of the event's successful completion subject to the principle that no damage has been caused and TGH was left in the same manner it was presented.
- Deposits will be refunded by BACS only into the originating bank account.
- Users who book multi day events may receive a discount. This discount will be assessed and applied by the TGH Manager on a case by case basis. The discount may not necessarily be financial and can be free pre-event use of the hall for set up.
- In circumstances where an hourly/day/multi discount is applied to an hirer but the “Hirer” does not fulfil their booking in full as booked e.g cuts short an event then any discount becomes null and void and full price shall be applied.
7. Fire Safety Risk Assessment & Health and Safety Risk Assessment
A Fire Safety Risk Assessment and Health and Safety Risk Assessment have been completed to consider occurrences that may be reasonably expected.
TGH is considered a normal risk. There is no gas or known asbestos.
The risk assessments are stored in a briefing folder in the kitchen.
- The “Hirer” is asked to familiarise themselves with the contents of the briefing folder prior to the event starting. This includes
Location of the single fire exit.
Location and use of fire extinguishers and assembly point.
Location of first aid box.
- The briefing folder and contents must not be removed from TGH, copied or altered.
- The “Hirer” is encouraged to document their own event specific risk assessment.
- Persons under the age of 16 years are not permitted to use the kitchen facilities without the direct supervision of an adult (person aged 25 years over).
Identified risks
- An identified fire risk is the use of foam mats during exercise classes and upholstery for soft fabrics. The “Hirer” shall be responsible for ensuring all mats and fabrics brought into TGH are made to the most current British Standards for fire retardant purposes.
- An identified risk is the stacking of tables and chairs due to risk of falling and back injury from manual handling. Please be aware of the safety measures in place to protect you.
- An identified risk is manual handling in setting tables and chairs. Tables require a two person lift and care must be taken when stacking and using securing bungee cord.
- An identified risk is the use of electrical equipment. TGH is portable appliance tested. The hirer is responsible for ensuring that electrical equipment brought into the hall for use in the event also has a valid portable appliance tested certificate.
8. Food Safety/Caterers
TGH is NOT registered with the Food Safety Scheme and is not considered a food business.
TGH has a domestic kitchen primarily for use for the serving of tea and coffee. There are no pots or pans or knives or a freezer .
Those hiring TGH for a private function where pre cooked or packaged food is to be brought into the hall will be sent a one of event form to consider food hygiene.
TGH work surfaces are cleaned not less than weekly using spray sanitiser and blue roll.
The dishwasher must be used for washing crockery, glasses and cutlery.
Disposable hand towels and hand sanitiser is available.
Pre-event weekly fridge and water system temperature readings are taken by TGH Manager.
The “Hirer” must ensure that;
- They have considered the risk of allergens relating to the end users and how food is stored.
- How food is prepared safely on and off site.
- How food is to be stored onsite to ensure protection from contamination (covers).
- The fridge must be maintained below 5°C
- In fridge there must be clear separation between raw and ready to eat foods to avoid cross contamination of bacteria e.g. salmonella and/or E. coli)
- In the oven- How is food reheated to the correct temperatures.
- Use of sink to prevent bacterial cross contamination originating from raw meat or unwashed fruit and vegetables
- Use of chopping board (cross contamination between raw and ready-to-eat foods, e.g. salmonella or E. coli).
- Storage of cooked meats (bacterial growth, e.g. listeria due to time spent out of refrigerator at increased temperature)
- Storage of carrot and peppers (bacterial cross contamination from unwashed fresh produce e.g. E. coli from soil).
- NO food is to be left after the end of the event or overnight.
Full information may be found on the
9. Electrical, water & appliances
TGH is fully equipped for the purpose and use the hall was designed for.
- Additional electrical equipment used at TGH must have a valid Portable Appliance Test (PAT) certificate.
- The TGH Manager may ask the “Hirer” to provide proof of PAT compliance.
- No electrical power or water shall be drawn from TGH for the purposes of providing external power/irrigation. E.g. car charging/washing or outdoor lighting.
- No alterations to any lighting, heating, electrical circuits, plumbing or appliances may be made.
- The “Hirer” shall notify the TGH Manager in person or by email of a defect or fault to any electrical equipment or appliance owned by TGH.
- In so far as is safe the “Hirer” shall ensure that faulty/damaged electrical item is prevented from further use.
- Only the TGH Manager is permitted to purchase any equipment for TGH or instruct any contractor to carry out work at TGH.
10. Damage
TGH is maintained to a high standard and checked before and after a hire.
Wear and tear and or accidental damage may occur however it shall be the Hirers responsibility to ensure users respect the hall and limit opportunities for instances of malicious damage.
- The TGH Manager reserves the right to invoice the “Hirer” for the full cost of any damage caused to the building fabric or any item within caused through a malicious act or inappropriate use of the hall and its facilities.
- The “Hirer” consents to the deposit to be used in full or part as a means of paying for damaged property as a result of malicious acts or inappropriate use of the hall and its facilities. Example being crayons used to draw on walls and re-painting is required.
- The TGH Manager reserves the right to invoice the “Hirer” for the full cost of additional cleaning as required as a result of the Hall being left in an unacceptable state or to clean up damage.
- Cleaning fees £12.00 per hour.
11. Right of entry
Our right to enter during your event.
- The TGH Manager and or a third party acting on their behalf such as a Licensing Authority reserves right to enter and remain within TGH at any time of the “Hire” to inspect, report, monitor or to otherwise be present to ensure that the Terms & Conditions are being adhered and to prevent anti-social behaviour.
- The “Hirer” is obligated to work with the TGH Manager and or a third party acting on their behalf in addressing any matters raised as a result of the inspection e.g. breach of Health & Safety.
- The TGH Manager and or a third party acting on their behalf have the right to cancel an ongoing event should it be in the interest of TGH, the safety of participants or wider community. The “Hirer” is obligated to adhere to any such request.
- The Firemaster, any Police Constable and any authorised Council Official shall be permitted free access to the premises at any time during a function.
12. Decorations & promotion material
Supplementary décor such as banners, balloons etc are permitted subject to prior approval with the TGH Manager.
- Decorations and promotional material must not be displayed outside TGH. This includes internal windows.
- Decorations and promotional material is limited to being displayed on defined hanging areas of the hall.
- Brass hook picture hanging must be used for hanging art from picture rail.
- Certified fire-resistant decorations and promotional material may only be used.
- It is prohibited to use anything that marks floors, walls, ceilings and furniture surfaces such as bluetack, adhesive tape, and drawing pins.
The “Hirer” is considered liable for any damage that occurs as a result of the use of decorations regardless of whether permission has been granted.
13. Licensing
TGH is NOT registered with The Food Hygiene Information Scheme.
TGH does NOT hold an Entertainment licence- A licence is required if you want to provide entertainment such as a dance, concert, variety show or similar for members of the public, whether or not they have to pay to get in.
TGH does NOT hold a licence to perform and play music subject to copyright.
- The “Hire” you will be responsible for ensuring appropriate licences are held covering the intended use of the hall such as Food Hygiene certificate and entertainment licence including the preparation and cooking of food.
- The “Hirer” must comply with all rules and regulations of the licensing
Alcohol may not be sold without the appropriate licence issued by Fife Council proof of which must be provided to the TGH Manager.
- No products or services may be offered for sale or reward without prior consent of the TGH Manager.
- The TGH Manager reserves the right to notify Licensing Authorities of any considered breach of an issued licence.
14. Parking
No car parking is provided.
There is a risk to persons leaving or entering the hall from passing cars or from cyclists on pavements.
- The “Hirer” shall ensure that Toll Green lane and pavement are not impeded as a result of their hire of the hall.
- The “Hirer” must take reasonable measures to ensure those attending the event are aware that there are no parking facilities and direct users to the most appropriate location.
- The “Hirer” shall ensure participants are aware to look left and right when leaving.
15. Liability & insurance
- TGH Manager, TGH Owners and Directors accepts no liability for any injury, damage or loss, regardless of negligence or however caused to the Hirer’s property ,any third parties property or personal injury to any person as a result of using TGH.
- TGH has a certificate of insurance in place covering the public liability hire of the hall.
- TGH Manager, TGH Owners and Directors accepts no liability for any financial loss should the hall be closed or the hiring thereof to be interrupted, postponed, cancelled or adversely affected in any way.
- TGH Manager recommends that the “Hirer” has their own insurance policy to cover unforeseen cancellations and any resultant financial loss.
16. Indemnity
- The “Hirer” indemnifies TGH Owners Directors & TGH Manager/Janitor against any injury, loss or damage howsoever caused regardless of negligence to the Hall, the furnishings and equipment therein and against any claim for injury or loss by any person or user of the Hall, caused during the period of hire or arising from the hire.
A test of fairness is to be applied when considering the “Hirers” responsibility.
TGH would not expect the “Hirer” to be held responsible for damage to the exterior of the property which occurred during the hire by persons unconnected to the event who were simply walking pass.
TGH would however consider pursuing a claim of responsibility against the “Hirer” for damage or loss from theft that occurred to the building, furniture and fittings where it is shown they occurred by person/s connected to the event.
Should a financial reimbursement be sought from the “Hirer” for damage or loss of property this may exceed the deposit taken.
- TGH encourages a hirer to take out their own insurance cover that protects them and any third party attending their event.
17. Dangerous substances
A fire safety risk assessment has been completed to identify what may reasonably be considered when reviewing the anticipated design and use of the hall.
It is obvious to exclude certain uses.
- No inflammable chemicals, explosive (inc. pyrotechnics) or other dangerous substances may be used or stored at TGH.
- Candles and naked flames are prohibited. TGH can supply battery operated LED candles should this be considered for an event.
- Smoking & vaping is prohibited within TGH extending to the exterior.
18. Manual Handling
The “Hirer” is responsible for setting up the hall according to their intended use.
We ask;
- Tables & chairs are positioned that maximises circulation space for mobility users and keeps fire escape clear.
- Tables will require a two person lift.
- Mobility ramp will require a two person lift.
A manual handling diagram is on display in the store cupboard.
19. Safeguarding & Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme
The “Hirer” is responsible for ensuring appropriate safeguards are in place that protect children , young persons and vulnerable adults from harm while attending their event.
TGH has provided support information in the briefing folder that may help the “Hirer” understand their responsibilities.
- The “Hirer” is responsible to assess whether the event is likely to involve children & young persons under the age of 18 and or vulnerable adults and take appropriate safeguarding measures to protect such persons from harm.
- The “Hirer” is responsible for assessing the need for PVG registration.
The “Hirer” shall be responsible for notifying the TGH manager at time of booking whether the event is likely to involve children, young persons under the age of 18 years and or vulnerable adults.
- The cost of PVG registration is the responsibility of the “Hirer” or a party acting on their behalf.
- The “Hirer” shall take reasonable steps to restrict the taking photographs of persons under 18 years or vulnerable adults without the written consent of parent/guardian. Such consent must include the use on social media.
- Acceptance of these Terms & Conditions infers that the “Hirer” has read and agreed with the safeguarding statement and their responsibilities therein.
20. When you leave
TGH is presented to the highest standards and we want to pass this on to the next user.
- Place rubbish in bins provided.
- Wipe down work surfaces with sanitiser and blue towel
- Stack cutlery & crockery in the dishwasher.
- Check and report any damage to the TGH Manager before finishing.
- Turn lights and heating off
- Close and secure all windows.
- Remove all personal belongings and equipment brought to the event.
- No storage is permitted of personal belongings or equipment.
- Close and lock the door, return keys to the TGH Manager or in the key box.
21. Lost and Found
TGH will endeavour to reunite items left behind where it is reasonable in terms of their face value, is it practical and is it cost effective.
- Perishable items will be immediately discarded including food, alcohol and tobacco.
- Personal items such as jewellery, wallets etc will be held for 7 days post events to be collected at TGH by arrangement.
- If you are collecting on behalf of the owner ensure TGH Manager has been informed and received the owners authority to dispose of the item to you.
- TGH will post items back to the owner by 2nd class Royal Mail however the cost must be met in advance by the owner.
- Bank cards- Unclaimed cards will be cut up & disposed of.
- Clothing- If appropriate unclaimed clothing will be given to a charity shop or if not suitable disposed of in waste.
- Unclaimed valuable or personal id items such as driving licence will be sent to Police Scotland lost and found.
22. Covid / Health alerts
TGH will be cleaned before every use including contact points.
TGH has hand sanitising points to reduce transmission and windows can be opened to increase air flow.
- The “Hirer” and users of the hall must adhere to Scottish Government guidance on measures to protect persons from harm. This may include social distancing, reduced hall capacity, ventilation, the wearing of face masks and increased cleaning of contact points.
- TGH Manager reserves the right to make a requirement of the “Hirer” and “Users” of any reasonable measure at any time for the purposes of protecting public health.
- Failure to adhere to Covid guidance or direction nulls the hall hire and no refund will be provided.
23. Data Protection
Your information is important to us. We may use your data such as name, address, email and telephone number to contact you about your booking. We will not use your data to send you marketing information or sell your data.
TGH is registered with the Information Commissioner.
We may share your data with a Statutory Authority or other third party that has a responsibility to require it such as in instance of compliance with an alcohol licence or insurer.
Our primary source of storing your data is online view our booking platform or on email. We may have to transfer this information to other means such as spreadsheets which are used for business purposes directly connected to your hire.
We will keep your data for the period of your booking and for twelve months after. We will not share your data with any third party without lawful basis.
Your data will be kept securely and only the TGH Manager will have access to it.
We will review our policies and procedures regularly to make sure your data is always protected. You can find our full Privacy Policy on our website, by emailing or writing to us to request a copy;
Toll Green Hall Manager, High Street, Elie
24. Review
The Terms and Conditions were created 01/11/2022.
TGH Manager reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions without prior notice or on
- A change in legislation that impacts on the policy and procedures or as
- A result of an incident which has a Health & Safety , Fire or Safeguarding implication and in all other circumstances
- Every three years.
Manager Neil Grieve